Morcrof ‎– Priorem (Anno MMII-MMIII)


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Black Metal, Doom Metal from Brasil. This compilation is formed by Tapes Reh 2002 «Arqués» and Advanced Promo Track 2003 «Equilibrium Of Fohat». Both were previous releases of the full-length 2005 «Machshevet Habriá (Myths and Conjectures of Creation)». Label: A Sangre Fria Records.


Black Metal, Doom Metal from Brasil. This compilation is formed by Tapes Reh 2002 «Arqués» and Advanced Promo Track 2003 «Equilibrium Of Fohat». Both were previous releases of the full-length 2005 «Machshevet Habriá (Myths and Conjectures of Creation)». Label: A Sangre Fria Records.


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