Rash / @patia No – Rash / @patia No


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Great split 7″ EP Vinyl.  Recording from Apatia No:
B1 & B2 from same sesion recording from split w/Sin Dios, 7/Oct/2000.
B3 & B4 from same sesion recording from 7″ «hazlo tu mismo», 9/Sep/1999.
Apatia No from Caracas/Venezuela.
Rash from Monterrey/Mexico.
Cover open to 38 x 38 cm.
1000 copies red transparent vinyl.

Date released : 2002

Label: Noseke Records


Great split 7″ EP Vinyl.  Recording from Apatia No:
B1 & B2 from same sesion recording from split w/Sin Dios, 7/Oct/2000.
B3 & B4 from same sesion recording from 7″ «hazlo tu mismo», 9/Sep/1999.

Apatia No from Caracas/Venezuela.
Rash from Monterrey/Mexico.

Cover open to 38 x 38 cm.
1000 copies red transparent vinyl.

Date released : 2002

Label: Noseke Records


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